
12th July 2024

Last Wednesday night saw Auckland hosting the fourth round of Interclub. Numbers were a little down for this cold and postponed match. Results are here.

24th June 2024

Last Saturday, 22nd June, we held the Target Shooting Auckland Open. The results are now in and available here.

Congratulations to everyone who competed and especially the winners. First in Master Grade was Tony B with an excellent 300.21, first in A Grade was Alan D with 296.15, first in B Grade was Selena W with293.13, first in C Grade was Izzy P with 285.6 and first in D Grade was Devon J with an excellent 286.14. The overall winner was Gavin R with a grand total of 497.34.

13th June 2024

Waitakere hosted the third Interclub for the 2024 season. Unfortunately, numbers were down as we missed several Howick teams on the night. Despite Howick not shooting up to their normal standard, they still manage to beat Waitakere in Division One with 868.38 vs 863.34. In Division Two, the matches were much closer with Howick A on 599.21 beating Waitakere A with 598.23 by the one point. Auckland A was third with 588.25. The highlight of the night was Selena’s 100.8 followed by a 100.4 for a total of 200.12. Click here for results.

11th May 2024

What a great team effort from Auckland to run the Teams of Ten event so successfully and to win it as well. A huge thanks to all the organisers, helpers and shooters for a great result.

10th May 2024

Auckland is hosting the 2024 Teams of Ten starting today for practice and tomorrow for the for the real action. 

For live scores, check go to the Teams of Ten page or click this link.

7th May 2024

Last night was our second Interclub for the season and with the all-important Teams of Ten match looming up on Saturday, everyone was trying to up their performance. The result was a very mixed bag. In Division One, Howick put in another solid performance to win with 879.48 while Waitakere was second with 864.33. In Division Two, we had a record number (9) of teams competing, thanks to Howick who hosted the night. The winner was Howick A with 596.20 closely followed by Howick D with 595.11 and third went to Auckland A with 594.35. Check the Results page for more details.

11th April 2024

Welcome all to another indoor season of target shooting in Auckland. 

Last night we had our first interclub for the season at the Waitakere Range, hosted by Auckland SRC. They turned on a great evening with lots of food and a great turnout with 25 shooters competing for their teams and the individual trophies, to start the season off. In Division One, Howick started as they mean to continue winning with 880.38 and Waitakere second with 874.39.  In Division Two, Auckland A with 595.32 just managed to beat Howick A with 595.26 by 6 inners, while Waitakere A were third with 585.15. Check out the Results page for more details and individual scores.

2024 Teams of Ten

As you all should know by now, Target Shooting Auckland is hosting the Annual North Island Teams of Ten. Our Secretary is keen to hear from everyone who is prepared to shoot and/or prepared to assist with running the event. We are all volunteers and the more helpers we have the better it will be for both competitors and the organisers.


9th October 2022

This week saw the last Interclub round for the season. In Division One, Waitakere managed to stop Howick from getting a clean sweep for the year by winning with 879.42 over Howick with 877.41, however Howick did manage an easy first for the year.  

In Division Two it was very tight with Howick A winning the last Interclub with 598.30, Howick B second with 598.19 while Howick C was third with 597.13. Overall, Howick A took the yearly honours with Howick B second and Auckland A third.

Individually, Rudi M was the top shooter on the night with 198.13. The final results are now in, check out the Results page for details. Congratulations to our top shooters in each grade for the year, Jono G in Master grade, Rudi M in A grade, Nathan A in B grade, Wendy B in C grade and Thomas V in D grade.

9th September 2022

We are definitely closing in on the sharp end of the season. With the conclusion of Round 6 this week, we only have the final round to go.

The interclub this week was hosted be Waitakere with a very good turnout with ten teams competing. Division One saw Howick win in a very close match 877.48 over Waitakere on 877.46 – just two inners deciding the winner. This was Howick’s sixth win this year and will be aiming for a clean sweep in 2022. In Division Two, Waitakere A came right with an excellent first win for the season with 599.20 beating Auckland A on 597.24, while third spot was a close race between Howick B on 595.17 beating Howick C on 595.15.  Full results available on our Results page.

On an individual basis, we saw some outstanding shooting from Rudi M with a 200.16 and Sam R shot a 200.14.  James C also shot a 100.8, while in C grade, Wendy B showed many how to shoot with a 196.8 for the night. The individual results table is getting very tight with one round to go and just five matches to count.

17th August 2022.

The Waitakere Open is on the 3rd September. Check out the 2022 poster for details – WSBRC Open 2022 pdf

7th August 2022

Our teams for two key events has been announced. The full teams for the Auckland vs Waikato match to be held on 13th August at Cambridge the the Auckland Teams of Ten team to be held at Whanganui on 27th August are listed in our Teams page.

Congratulations to everyone selected and may all your shots be 10.1’s. Go the Auck’s

3rd August 2022

Wow – only two more months of the official season left. It is definitely getting to the busy stage now with numerous teams to be selected. Please check out the latest newsletter, TSA NEWSLETTER #2_2022, for details on teams and nominations. The big event for us is the Teams of Ten at Whanganui on Saturday 27th August. This is a great shoot so get your nominations in NOW!

Monday night saw the 5th round of Interclub held at Howick. While there were a few shooters missing, the competition was tight with Howick winning Division One with 881.44 over Waitakere on 878.40. In Division Two, Howick managed a clean sweep with Howick C with 598.15 beating Howick A with 595.25 while Howick B took third place with 595.20. With only two rounds to go and cut-outs starting to kick in, the race for the individual grades is getting interesting. Check the Results page for details.

This Sunday 7th August sees the National Indoor Championship between held around the Country. Howick is a satellite venue so get along and show NZ how well Auckland can shoot. Details her, NIC 2022 INFO v2.

9th July 2022

Wednesday night saw the Auckland Club host the fourth round of this year’s Interclub. It hasn’t been a kind week weather-wise and the numbers where a little lower than normal. However, Howick retained their grip and dominated Division One with a win of 883.47 over Waitakere’s 877.41.

In Division Two, six teams competed and Waitakere B with 598.13 beat Howick B with 593.16 who were followed by Howick A on 591.33.

Check out the result, together with the TSA Open results on our Results page.

10th June 2022

Both Interclub Round 2 and Round 3 have now been completed. Round 3 was shot shoulder to shoulder at the Waitakere SRC Range. Results are now available on the Results page. In Division One, Howick A were the clear winners over Waitakere A with 881.49 versus 863.35. In Division Two, Howick’s B team were the winners on the night with 599.12, beating Howick A on 597.26 and Waitakere B was third with 595.13. Numbers were low which may be due to Queens Birthday Holiday on the Monday.

1st June 2022

Great news – the Target Shooting Auckland Open is on in 2022 and will be held at the Howick Range on 25th June 2022. Full details in the poster are here,  Target Shooting Auckland Open 2022.

7th May 2022

If you haven’t heard the results from NDC #1, the Auckland JAFFAS were up against the Canterbury TITANS.  We won the Open, Combined and got bonus points for teams aggregate and a 200 shot by Jono G.  A good start to the competition.  A full set of results and individual scores are available on the TSNZ website, www.tsnz.nz 

The latest teams for NDC #2 is posted here.

A reminder that the Howick Open (BIG 7 #3) is being held Saturday May 21.  Full details here – Howick Open 2022 

5th May 2022

Amazing. A full month of near normal Club shooting has been completed. This year the Interclub format has been modified for the start of the year. This meant clubs teams shot on their home range and the scores sent on to our statistician. The results of the first round has now been posted. In Division One, Howick dominated with 880.46 over Waitakere on 876.39. In Division Two, the competition was very tight with Howick A on 593.29 pipping Auckland A by one inner, with Howick B third on 590.13. Full results are here.

6th April 2022 Breaking news

Jono G has just shot a 200.20 at a Club night. This is an exceptional achievement and one we are not sure has been done on the new targets. Congratulate Jono when you see him next.

April 2022  Arms Act Submissions urgently required.

In late March, the NZ Police released their Discussion document of the proposed Arms Act regulations they formulated, albeit without any consultation with the Firearms Community beforehand.

If these regulations are enacted unchanged, we believe they will be the death knell of many shooting Clubs throughout NZ. TSNZ is working hard to prepare a major submission in response and is requesting as many Clubs and shooters make their own submissions. The link to the TSNZ page with more details is here. If you need any help please contact your Club and Association Secretary or TSNZ, urgently.

26/27th March 2022

Finally, the annual North versus South Inter-Island Match was held in split venues with the South in Christchurch and the North in Palmerston North. Despite a number of withdrawals, the competition was deemed to be very successful although everyone was keen for the next match to be shoulder to shoulder. Special congratulations to Mark C who held the Auckland flag high and made his first-time appearance in the New Zealand Indoor team.  Results are here.

23rd March 2022

Well we have made it to a new season. Let’s hope we can get to the range and indulge in our favourite sport this year.

A short message to ensure we are all up to speed on what has and is about to happen.

For those wanting to be involved in the Teams of Ten competition, this match has been delayed by Taranaki (this year’s hosts) to the end of August. What does this mean…more time to get your shooting scores up and make an impression with the selectors.

  • Next week is the last week of “practice”.  Official grading starts 1st April 2022. 
  • Round 1 of Interclub was to be on Wednesday 6 April at Auckland Club (Waitakere Range) however due to Covid restrictions this round will be shot by each club at their home range (no travelling).  Conditions are cards must be nominated prior to shooting them, All shooting to be completed by round 2 (2 May).  No exceptions.
  • Fingers crossed ammunition stocks will be back to normal mid May.  The slow boat from England is leaving 1 April.  Watch this space.
  • Rotorua Open and Te Aroha Open, 9 & 23 April respectively, I have not had any correspondence to indicate if these events are on or not.  Check out the TSNZ events calendar.
  • We have entered NDC this year.  The first round will be on Thursday 28 April shot at Howick.  A team list will be sent out in the coming weeks.  Team consists of 5 Open, 3 Combined and 2 Juniors or development shooters (less than 2 years shooting any grade).
  • Bay of Plenty Open (BIG 7 #1) should be on Saturday 30 April at Te Puke.

The  minutes of the TSA AGM will be coming out via email shortly.  Thanks to all those who attended, awards were presented to those in attendance. Those missing, your club representative will have them for you.

20th December 2021

Signing off for the year and wishing you and your respective families and friends a great Christmas and New Year.

17th December 2021

We interrupt your regular viewing for this special news report. News just received from England….the Auckland BSA Team WON!!!!!! The last time Auckland won this competition was 2010. The 2021 team score came in at 2354, 1 point below the estimated score on the day. Top 5 team scores are as follows:

  • 1st Auckland 2354
  • 2nd Hampshire 2353
  • 3rd= Aberdeenshire 2348
  • 3rd= Sussex 2348
  • 5th Kent 2303

Our individual scores::

  • Alison A 194
  • James C 194
  • Mark C 199
  • David C 196
  • Jonathan G 199
  • Roy H 197
  • Dave M 197
  • Abby P 196
  • Steve P 198
  • William P 195
  • Gavin R 193
  • Samantha R 196
  • Res Robert D DNS

Congratulations to all in the team.  Medals will be sent from England and once received, distributed at the first available opportunity.

15th December 2021

Last TSA Newsletter (#4/2021) for the year has been delivered thanks to Rob D – TSA NEWSLETTER #4_2021.

7th October 2021

Hi All, Sorry for the little gap in our news. One has been SO busy during lockdown !!!

Unfortunately, since August all Club and Association shooting has been on hold due to the COVID lockdowns. More info is in the latest Newsletter – TSA NEWSLETTER #3_2021.

As mentioned in the Newsletter, the Interclub results were recalculated on the basis of the best four scores to count. This hasn’t effected the Teams rankings, but it has identified clear winners in all grades. Congratulations to all our winners. Jono G was first in Master Grade with 795.50. William P was first in A Grade with 780.42, Marc D was first in B Grade with 770.32, Chris S was first in C Grade with 749.17 and Wendy B was first in D Grade with 728.17. Final Results on the Results page.

Rob also mentioned that the TSA AGM and Awards night will be on 25th November so put it in your diary NOW !!

3rd August 2021

Welcome to this months news. In between watching the Olympics, the selectors released teams for the Hutt Valley 5 match and also the teams for the annual Auckland versus Waikato match, scheduled for the 14th August at Howick.  The teams are published on the Teams page. We also  managed to fit in the latest round of Interclub last night. 

The major result for the night in Division One was that Waitakere, with 882.42, had a resounding win over Howick, with 876.48, for their first win this season. It will be interesting to see if they can repeat the form for the next two rounds.

In Division Two, Howick reversed the trend and their B team with 599.15 beat their A team with 598.25, followed by Auckland A with 591.25. This sees Auckland A narrowly ahead of Waitakere A with Howick A third. This will definitely be the contest to watch over the last two rounds.

In the individual stakes, there are some clear leaders in most of the grades, but with shooters able to drop their worst two scores, the competition will be fierce to the last match. Results here.

Our Para Auckland Shooting Club, for Air Rifle and Air Pistol, are sharing some very amazing news! For those of you who haven’t heard yet – our very own Michael Johnson was recently named Paralympian #148 to the NZ Paralympic Team.

In 2004, at his very first Paralympic Games, Mike won Gold in Athens followed by back-to-back Bronze medals at the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Paralympic Games. We wish Mike all the very best in Tokyo, which will be his fifth time at the Paralympic Games – his opportunity to add to his impressive medal collection!

Please join me in wishing Mike all the best in Tokyo and safe travels. 

9th July 2021

Wednesday night saw the latest Interclub, Round 4, hosted by the Auckland Club. Division One was won easily by Howick who now have a clear lead for the year. Waitakere was a clear second. In Division Two, it was a very close race and Auckland A managed a win with 598.34 over Waitakere A who were second on 597.17 with Waitakere B third on 596.20. Best shooters of the night were Auckland Club shooters, Jono G with 199.14 and James C with 199.11. One notable performance for the night was Olivia P with 190.8 – a D Grader shooting her first Interclub match. Result details on the Results page, as usual.

Also on the Results page is the results of our recent Auckland Open Championship. Congratulations to all the winners, Tony B in Master Grade with 297.14, Ivor B in A Grade with 296.11, Nathan A in B Grade with 292.14, Chris S in C Grade with 286.10, Aedan Gillgren in D Grade with 293.14, and Roy H taking out the Open with 492.27.

21st June 2021

Just a quick note to remind everyone that the 2021 Target Shooting Auckland Open will be held at the Howick Range on Saturday 26th June Details are in the poster – Target Shooting Auckland Open 2021.

The latest Newsletter was sent to everyone recently, in case you did not see it, check it now TSA NEWSLETTER #2_2021.

Remember we need helpers to run the Open. This event is a TSA run event and ALL the clubs and members of TSA are asked to assist on the day as well as shoot. It is Round 4 of the Auckland Provincial Championship, the 2
of 3 shoots hosted close to home i.e. Auckland. The other 4 rounds are in the Waikato area.

The day will be split into 2 shifts, Howick will run the shoot from opening to 12:00pm and then the West clubs will take over until the end. Jobs to do will be Range Officer, marking, target changing and writing scores on the viewing sheets. The Treasurer roll will be handled independently by the TSA Treasurer (Bruce M). Catering will be by Gavin R’s wife and all proceeds go to TSA so support the kitchen and the staff.

Get out and support this shoot, TSA needs you.

3rd June 2021

Last Tuesday night our third Interclub of the year was held at Waitakere SRC. Despite a number of absentees, the numbers showing up was very good. The shooting was more definitive than usual with Howick A clearly winning Division One with 882.43 over second placed Waitakere A on 872.38. In Division Two, Waitakere had a clean sweep with Waitakere A winning with an excellent 599.32 followed by Waitakere C on 594.15 and Waitakere B in third on 592.14. Results on the Results page.

It was great to see a number of new shooters participating in Interclub for the first time, including Ben W, Mike T, Anna T, and Leon V. Hopefully we will see more during the season.

23rd May 2021

Our Auckland Teams of Ten team descended on Palmerston North with great intent.  However, despite the intent being lost in translation, we did manage to improve our finishing place from 9th in 2019 to 7th in 2021, with plenty of room to improve. Full results are on our Results page. Bring on 2022 in Wanganui.

11th May 2021

The Auckland Teams of Ten has now been selected and planning in under control for the Auckland onslaught this weekend. Congratulations to all who have been selected and good management and shooting. We have a great team and expect some good success this year. Go the Jafas !!!  Check out the Teams page.

The following weekend will be the Howick Open. All TSNZ shooters are welcome. Details are in the Howick Open 2021 poster.

4th May 2021

Despite COVID-19, this year seems to have rocketed along and we are now in the fifth month of the year! This means we had our second ‘normal’ Interclub last night hosted by Howick to their usual high standard. Last night the results were very clear cut with Howick winning Division One with 886.48 over Waitakere with 873.35. In Division Two, Auckland A were also the clear winners with 593.29 followed by Waitakere A on 588.11 and a point behind in third was Howick A on 587.20.  Full results as usual on the Results page.

This weekend the South Auckland Open will be held at Hamilton’s Dey St Range for all comers. It is a great opportunity to get in some much needed competition practice, especially with Teams of Ten just a week after that.

For any shooters trying to understand the odd problem shot, check out this chart.

8th April 2021

Welcome to the brave new world of 2021, living with COVID-19. Our season has started with a BANG, well many actually. Last night was the first round of Interclub for 2021 and we are all hoping that we can complete a full round of matches this year. Rumour has it that some of our shooters are already producing 100.10’s!

What a great start to Interclub for 2021. Both Division One and Division Two was decided by inners.  In Division One, Howick managed to beat Waitakere by 878.46 to 878.44, while in Division Two, Auckland A beat Waitakere A 595.30 to 595.23 with Howick A in third with 589.23. Top shooter for the night was Mark C with 199.16. Full details on the Results page.

Remember the selectors are in the process of selecting our Teams of Ten team, so if you are interested, let one of the selectors know.


The season is upon us and officially started on April 1st.  All scores from now until 30th September will count to your grading, unless the card is marked as a Practice.

Remember TSNZ affiliations and subs are due by 30th April.

The Police have proposed a range of new conditions and have asked for submissions. These likely changes will have a huge effect on most shooters.  It is vital that you have your say. For more details check the TSNZ web page, https://tsnz.nz/news/blog-view?articleId=372985 . TSNZ will be responding as well and will be providing some advice to members shortly.

TSNZ have been busy in the off-season and have published the Indoor Range Officer’s Training Manual and Course. We would encourage everyone to become familiar with the material and take the associated course. It is not mandatory for Range Officers in 2021, but it is expected with the new law changes, it will be in the near future.

12th November 2020

The last of our official indoor shoots was held at Auckland SRC last night. This was our annual Champion of Champions competition where the top shooters from each Club go head to head. The pressure shoot definitely affected some!!

The winners on the night were:

  • M Grade – Jonathan G, Auckland
  • A Grade – Ken S, Waitakere
  • B Grade – Chris W, Auckland
  • C Grade – Selena W, Auckland
  • D Grade – Ryan N, Howick
  • Ladies – Suanne K, Howick
  • Juniors – Ryan N, Howick

Congratulations to all who won their respective matches. The full results are on our Results page.

13th October 2020

It has been a busy couple of weeks for Auckland Target shooting. We have been competing in several Rep matches and had our Interclub Final last night.

The best news is that Auckland won the Titipounamu Trophy with 2341.102. Taranaki and Hutt Valley were equal runner-ups with  2339.109. This is a competition for an eight-person A Grade team. Details are on the Results page.

In the Hutt Valley 5 competition for B Graders, Auckland was 10th.

In last night’s Interclub Final, we saw some very competitive Teams shooting with Howick’s Division One team (877.50) pipping Waitakere (877.44) by just 6 inners. This win means Howick just managed to win the Division Trophy for the season. See the Results page for more details.

In Division Two, Auckland’s A team pulled off their second win in a row, with 597.31, comfortably ahead of Waitakere A on 592.16 and Howick A on 590.21. However, Waitakere’s A team was more consistent throughout the year and was the winner overall for the season with  Auckland A being the runner-up for 2020.

In the race for Individual honours, all the final winners were decided on the night. For 2020, the Interclub champions are:

  • Master Grade – Jono G – 789.50
  • A Grade – Suanne K – 776.33
  • B Grade – Steve O – 776.38
  • C Grade – Matt M – 721.14
  • D Grade – Rita Z – 739.15

We still have the Champion of Champions match to be held at Auckland. However, with the COVID-19 interruptions, the date for this match will also be delayed so the Clubs can complete their own competitions. The date will be confirmed shortly.

30th September 2020

Despite all that Auckland has suffered at the hands of COVID-19, last night saw Interclub Round 3 hosted by Waitakere. Despite getting there early, the car park was already full and the Club was humming. At the sharp end of the season, some great scores were being shot, albeit with a few not so great scores, as well. Congratulations to Jono for an excellent 200.14, the best of the night. See the Results page for all the details.

Despite COVID-19, we still had 9 teams competing overall. Howick A managed to win Division One with a very good 887.48 over Waitakere. Howick we go into the final just one point ahead.

In Division Two, Auckland A managed their first Interclub win for a little while with 593.31, from Waitakere A on 591.24 and then Waitakere B on 590.21. The final will see Waitakere A trying to stay ahead of Auckland A and close out a season win.

At the Individual level, all grades will definitely go down to the last shoot on Finals night.

Just a reminder, the Finals Interclub will be on 12th October at Howick and there will be no makeups, so be there to win !!

6th August 2020

Last night saw Interclub 2 hosted by Auckland. It was a great turnout with Auckland excelling themselves with a monster supper and TWO teams.  Well done. All the details are on our Results page.

The Division One results had Waitakere winning with 882.42 over Howick on 875.38. Both teams have now had a win so with two rounds to go, it is anyone’s to win.

In Division Two, Waitakere A, with 598.25, had a clear cut win over Auckland B on 592.14. Close behind in third was Auckland A on 591.25.

Saturday sees Auckland shooting against Waikato in Cambridge, this year. Good luck to all our shooters and may you return with many trophies !!

23rd July 2020

The annual Auckland versus Waikato match will be hosted by Waikato at the Cambridge Club on the 8th August.  Our teams are posted on the Teams page. Congratulations to everyone in a team and good shooting.

7th July 2020

Life is not quite normal yet, although we did have the 1st round on our shortened Interclub season for 2020, last night.

Numbers were definitely down on a normal Interclub and the shooting was also very rusty, albeit with one or two exceptions. I think a lack of match shooting took its toll on the scores.

Howick A managed the win Division One while Division Two was won by Waitakere A. Check out the Results page for all the details.

Definitely time to get in some much needed practice before the Rep season starts.

1st July 2020

Welcome back to Target Shooting Auckland after a long hiatus due to COVID-19.

All of our Clubs are now active and are shooting without restrictions, other than the key requirement that anyone with COVID-like symptoms must stay away until they are healthy again.  Club nights are:

  • Mondays – Howick Rifle Club
  • Tuesdays – Waitakere SRC, Mt Eden Para Shooting (Air) Range
  • Wednesday – Auckland SRC
  • Thursday – Mt Eden Para Shooting (Air) Range

Please note that our shooting calendar has been significantly changed and the latest version is TSA General Programme 2020-21 version3 post COVID.

This means Monday 6th July will be our first Interclub for 2020 at Howick.

More details are available in TSA NEWSLETTER #1_2020

Let’s all make sure our subscriptions are up to date and get out and shoot for your club – they need you like never before !!

See you all on Monday 🙂

11th November 2019

The last act in the 2019 season is scheduled for 28th November, our AGM and Awards night.
We will be putting on Pizza & Beer/Wine for a social gathering prior to the
meeting. Pizzas & drinks will commence from 6.00pm with the AGM starting approximately 7.30pm. More details here Invitation to AGM 2019.

See AGM agenda details here, TSA AGM Agenda 2019 

Our latest Newsletter, TSA NEWSLETTER #4_2019 contains details of those who will be receiving awards at the Prizegiving.

Let’s all get together for our special night.

6th September 2019

Our latest Newsletter #3 has just been received and posted on our Newsletter page, if you did not receive a copy.

There are still a few events to go in our calendar, so get our the details here.

3rd September 2019

Howick hosted our Interclub Final night last night. We had a great turnout with ten teams competing for the top honours, results here. While Howick had already had wrapped up Division One, they underwrote that with a clear victory over Waitakere last night.

In Division Two, it was a very different story with four teams vying for the honours. While Howick A won on the night with Waitakere B coming second and Waitakere A finishing third, the winner overall for the year was Waitakere B.

In the race for the top  individual in each Grade, Master Grade was the most hotly contested with Steve P finishing on 989.56 to beat Jono G on 988.64. Mark and Gavin finished third and fourth respectively, separated only by inners. Steve O, on 970.52, managed to sneak in front of Ken S (968.39) and Lee H (954.46) to win A grade. B Grade was also a close race on the last night with Suanne K winning with 977.41 over William P on 975.34. C Grade was won by Yvette L with 953.29 and D Grade was won by Hugh C with 851.07.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Interclub throughout the year and made it a great competition.

21st August 2019

Last night was the second to last round of our Interclub competition which saw some very strategic team selections by Howick. Waitakere won Division One easily, while Howick B won Division Two over Waitakere B and Waitakere A. Notable shooters on the night were Steve P with 200.10 and Revel D with a 100.5.  Check the Results page.

This means that with the Final round left, we have 3 teams on 25 points in Division Two.  The individual grade competitions are also now very interesting with just a few points, if any, separately the top shooters in Master, A and B grades. It is all to shoot for on the final night!

10th August 2019

Auckland hosted the latest annual encounter with Waikato on the Howick Range. The BSA Cup team shot in the morning and posted a good competitive total – we just have to wait for the final results at the end of the year.

In the afternoon, we saw matches for the Open Team, A Grade, B Grade, Ladies and Juniors. The overall total counted towards the shield below. Waikato managed to hold on to it for another year.

However, Auckland did manage to win both the Open grade and the B Grade.

Scores still to come !

8th August 2019

The fifth round of the Interclub Championship was hosted by Auckland SRC at the Waitakere Range last night. Full results are on the Results page.

Howick won Division One and now hold an unassailable lead with just two rounds to go.

However, in Division Two, Howick B won with Auckland A in second and Waitakere A in third.  That means there are only 3 points separately the top five teams. Game ON !!!

On the individual front, with two drop-outs this season, the Grades are still wide open.

This weekend will we be hosting the BSA Trophy and the annual Auckland versus Waikato match. The latest TSA teams are posted here.

2nd July 2019

We are now counting down to the end of the year with our fourth round of Interclub last night held at Howick. With three rounds to go and two possible discards, the competition is starting to heat up. Results here.

Last night saw Howick win Division One with an impressive performance by the whole team, especially Steve P who shot a 200.16. In Division Two, Waitakere A found their form to win with 599.18 while Howick B was second with 597.17 just beating third place Howick A with 596.20. Notable was William P, a Waitakere B grader, who shot a 199.4 for the night.

Last night also saw new D Graders Tracy and Michael F shoot in the first Interclub with Tracy excelling with 96.2 and 97.2

23rd June 2019

Yesterday saw the TSA Auckland Open being held at the Howick Range. As can be seen from the results on our Results page, the competition was tight in most grades, but the numbers were a little down on previous years.

Congratulations to the winners:

  •  Master Grade – Roy H with 297.19
  • A Grade – Trevor S with 293.16
  • B Grade – Cole H with 294.14
  • C Grade – Mark R with 286.11
  • D Grade – David T with 291.16

Views from the Range Officers table !!

5th June 2019

We are now into another new month in 2019 !!!

This means our latest Interclub was hosted by Waitakere SRC last night with a medium turnout – obviously the odd cold foot or two…

However, the shooting was close on several fronts. In Division One, Waitakere manged their first win of the season over Howick – a sign of things to come or the Selector working his magic ?

In Division Two, the top three teams were within one point of each another with Howick A just ahead of Waitakere A with Waitakere B just 8 inners behind in third.

On the individual front, the most 100’s for the night goes to Mark C, despite an injured trigger finger !! Jono G managed the best over 200 with a 199.13. The Grade championships are just starting to warm up as there are still four rounds to go and two scores can be dropped, so there is plenty to still to shoot for. At this stage, the leaders are Jono, Ken, William, Mark and Alex.

Full results as usual are on our Results page.

29th May 2019

Wednesday night at the Waitakere Range saw Auckland Smallbore Rifle Club’s 85th celebration. There was a good turnout with some ‘extras’ who often turn up on Wednesday nights as well. Unfortunately a few of the regulars, Graeme, Richard and Selena were unable to be there on the night. However the drinks and the excellent Chocolate cake provided by Jono was fully enjoyed by all.

7th May 2019

Last night was our second Interclub competition for the year, hosted by Howick, with a great turnout. In Division One, Howick had a comfortable win over Waitakere.

In Division Two we saw Howick B produce an unbeatable total of 600.23 to win followed by Waitakere B second with 593.15 closely followed by Auckland A with 591.32.

With two rounds completed, the Individual grades are starting to look interesting. Remember that the worst two of your seven scores will be dropped this year, so the competitions are still very open. Check the Results page for details.

On Saturday, 11th our Teams of Ten team will be competing for the Tiny Rees Scroll against all the other North Island Provincial teams. Go well, good management for all in the team and safe travels.

3rd May 2019

The Auckland Teams of Ten seedings have just been released. Check the Teams page for the latest update.

30th April 2019

We are about to enter into a busy phase of the shooting season, with the first NDC match on Thursday 2nd, at Howick.  Check out the Teams list if you are unsure if you are competing.

Saturday 4th is the second round of the Big 7 with the South Auckland Open being held in Hamilton.

Monday  6th sees the second round of the TSA Interclub competition being held on the Howick range.  Remember, even if you are not in a team you can still shoot for individual honours.

Then Saturday 11th sees the premier event of the North Island – the Teams of Ten hosted by Masterton this year. Check the Teams page for the selected team. Congratulations to everyone selected and this year sees a number of new shooters who will represent Auckland in this great competition.

This is followed by Round 2 of the NDC at Howick on Thursday 16th and then the 3rd round of the Big 7 at Howick on Saturday 18th.

For more events, check out the Events and Calendar pages.

Our first newsletter of the year has recently been published. If you didn’t get a copy, check it out here.

4th April 2019

This week saw the start of our Indoor season with the Clubs being quite active.

Last night was the first Interclub of the year, hosted by Auckland on the Waitakere Range.  The car park was overflowing with many challenges getting both in and out ! We had our greatest numbers since 2008 with many of last years shooters moving up a grade or two.

In Division One, Howick showed ominous form beating Waitakere, while in Division Two, Waitakere B held off second placed Howick A and third placed Auckland A. Mark C lead the way for the Master Graders with a couple of 100’s, while best of the rest was Erikah H, a D Grader, with a fine 194.7.

Results as usual on our Results page.

We are still looking for nominations for our Teams of Ten team to compete in Masterton in early May, so please let the selectors or the secretary know.

3rd April 2019

Public Submissions are now being called for the Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill.  Closing date is 6.00pm Thursday 4th April (tomorrow).

TSNZ intends to forward a submission, and if you or your Members have anything in particular you would like included on behalf of TSNZ, please email TSNZ by noon tomorrow (Thursday 4th April).

You are welcome to submit individually as well if you wish, but please note that this would be a personal submission and not on behalf of TSNZ.

More information can be found here:  https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/sc/make-a-submission/document/52SCFE_SCF_BILL_86423/arms-prohibited-firearms-magazines-and-parts-amendment

16th March 2019

Christchurch Terrorist Attack

All of our members will have been as horrified as the rest of NZ at the appalling events that unfolded in Christchurch on Friday, an event unprecedented in NZ.  In many ways our members may be feeling even more concerned as part of a shooting community.

Please be assured that the shooting we do through TSA and TSNZ remains a valid sport, one that teaches and encourages concentration, focus, responsibility and in all cases, firearms safety.  Target shooting is a sport to be proud of.

Should the media approach members for comment, please feel free to refer them to the TSNZ Office.

19th November 2018

Hi  everyone,

Our Annual General Meeting is to be held at the Howick Rifle Club clubrooms on Thursday November 29, 2018.

TSA will be putting on Pizza & Beer/Wine for a social gathering prior to the meeting. Pizzas & drinks will commence from 6.00pm with the AGM starting approximately 7.30pm.

Should you be unable to attend the AGM and wish to tender your apologies please let the Secretary know prior to the meeting.

At the conclusion of the AGM, the annual TSA Awards and Prize giving will take place.

Invitation to AGM 2018

TSA AGM Agenda 2018

71st TSA AGM Minutes, 2017

15th October 2018

Last Wednesday night saw Auckland being host for our annual Champion of Champions shoot were each Club Champion, for each grade, competes to be the Target Shooting Auckland Champion for the year. Congratulations to all our new Champions for 2018. The results are posted on our Results page.

This is the final Act for the 2018 season with just the AGM and our Prizegiving left which will be on the 29th November.

Please reserve the date and some space for pizza and beer !!

There will still be some activity at most Clubs during the summer period as our very keen shooters will be reviewing and tuning their performance for next year.  See you at a Club soon.

5th September 2018

Last Thursday was the Final of the NDC matches. Our match saw us pitted against Manawatu and Ashburton. While we managed to beat Manawatu, Ashburton finished on top. Hopefully, this Division should grow next year and provide some good competition.

On Saturday, the Waitakere Open was held. While the numbers were low, the competition was tight and the  Waikato shooters kept the pressure on. Full details on the Results page.

Monday night saw the last Interclub for the 2018 season. Check out the final details on our Results page. In Division One, Waitakere managed to win on the night but was pipped by Howick for the title for the season. In Division Two, Howick’s new D team beat the old hands from their B team followed by their C team. Despite this shake-up, Howick A just managed to beat the Howick B team by one point for the Season’s title.

In the individual race, the Master Grade was tightly contested with Steve P collecting another title. The A Grade was won by Ken S, the B Grade by Marc D, C Grade by Mark R, and D Grade by Suanne K.

22nd August 2018

Last night saw the penultimate round of Interclub for the season. The numbers were great and the shooting has definitely picked up with six 100’s shot, two by B Graders, Lee and Rudi. In Division One Waitakere managed to beat Howick by a single point, while in Division Two, Waitakere C beat Howick A by a single point with Waitakere D placing third over Waitakere A and Howick B. The individual results are proving interesting with just the final round to go and two scores to drop. Be in to win!

The results of the annual Auckland versus Waikato match, held in Hamilton on the 11th, are now posted on our Results page, together with the preliminary results of the Provincial BSA Cup competition. Waikato proved too strong for Auckland this year with a clean sweep of all matches. Congratulations to Samantha R for being the top shooter on the day.

The next 2 – 3 weeks will be busy with Auckland contesting the NDC Division Two final next Thursday, with the Waitakere Open on the 1st September and the last Interclub on the 3rd.

As September is the last month for grading scores, make sure your scores are great and that all your records are up to date and ready for TSNZ.

12th August 2018

It is with great sadness that we need to advise you that one of our Life Members, Trevor Black, passed away on August 9th at Middlemore Hospital. Trevor was also a Life Member of both the Howick Rifle Club and Target Shooting New Zealand.

A Service to celebrate Trevor’s life will be held in the All Saints Church, 17 Selwyn Road, Howick on Thursday August 16 at 1.30pm, to be followed by a private cremation.

No flowers by request, please consider a donation to the following. Please make cheques payable to Totara Hospice South Auckland and post to:

Totara Hospice South Auckland
PO Box 75560
Auckland 2243
New Zealand

Please include your full contact details with the cheque so that we can send you a tax receipt.

2nd August 2018

August is one of our busiest months for Rep shoots. Teams for both the Inter Association Postal Match and the Auckland vs Waikato Annual Match have been posted on our Teams page. Congratulations to everyone selected. If you cannot make the match, please advise the Secretary, a.s.a.p.

Another month has shot by with the latest Interclub being hosted by Auckland SRC at Waitakere last night. Check out the full results in the usual place. This week, in Division One, Howick cleaned up Waitakere and look destined to take top honours in 2018. In Division Two, Howick B just managed to beat Waitakere A by 599.27 to 599.17 followed by Howick A in third with 297.18.

Congratulations to Jonathan G for making the North Island Indoor Team.  Looking for great results in the North v South match.

Our next NDC match is on the 9th August against Manawatu. Teams have been advised.

3rd July 2018

Another busy period. In the last couple of weeks we have had the Auckland Open, an NDC round against Ashburton and an Interclub round last night at Howick.

Check the results page for both the NDC scores and the latest Interclub scores.

The Interclub was well supported with a great turnout. Half way through the season we are seeing some interesting results with Howick A winning Division One and a very tight result in Division Two with Howick B beating Howick C by 3 inners and third and fourth also decided by 5 inners with Waitakere A holding out Howick A. With three rounds to go, the Individual results are still very open. In the Teams section, Howick A has a good hold on Division One, while in Division Two it is a close fight between Howick A and B and Auckland A. It might come down to some strategic team selections for the next rounds !!!

Saturday 23rd June saw the Auckland Open Championship held at the Howick Range. Full details are posted on our Results page. The winners were:

  • Open – Steve P, Howick – 498.32
  • Master Grade – Steve P, Howick – 300.18
  • A Grade – Dave M, Te Awamutu –  293.16
  • B Grade – John D, Waitakere – 293.13
  • C Grade – Revel D, Waitakere – 287.12
  • D Grade – Suanne K, Howick – 287.08

6th June 2018

May proved to be a typically busy shooting period with the main focus on the Teams of Ten. This was held at the newly upgraded Te Puke Range, hosted by Waikato. Our neighbours did an excellent job of providing a great venue, particularly at short notice, and a superb effort in running the event without any noticeable issues, although their control of the weather was not ideal !!! Congratulations to Manawatu whose Team 1 won the Rees Scroll, and Team 2 won the Jim Hart Memorial Trophy.  The Jim Hart result was particularly tense, with only one point being the decider in the end. Unfortunately, Auckland was overtaken by a couple of teams this year and we finished up in 9th place for the Rees Scroll.  Congratulations to Mark C who was our best shooter on the day, he finished 5th out of the 160+ shooters competing. Full details are on the TSNZ site here.

The weekend after Teams of Ten was the Howick Open. Congratulations to all who competed. The winners were:

  • Open – Steve P, Howick – 498.32
  • Master Grade – Steve P, Howick – 300.18
  • A Grade – Ivor B, Rotorua –  293.14
  • B Grade – Emily H, Rotorua – 294.15
  • C Grade – Revel D, Waitakere – 290.14
  • D Grade – Suanne K, Howick – 285.09

Last night was the third Interclub, hosted by Waitakere SRC. Another great turnout but it did mean a very full car park !! The night proved to belong to Howick who cleaned up Division One easily and in Division Two, Howick A managed a narrow win over Auckland A, with Howick B in third.

Details of both the Howick Open and the Interclub results are posted on our Results page.

8th May 2018

It is a busy week for many our of shooters this week with Interclub, Club, practice and a Rep match.

Last night was the second round of Interclub, hosted by Howick. Good turnout and heaps of food for supper.

Results-wise, it was an interesting night with Howick winning Division One in convincing fashion, while in Division Two, Waitakere A managed to hold off Waitakere B with Howick A coming in third. Individually, I would have to say that there were not any performances that were memorable while a few were definitely forgettable !! Check out the Results page for details.

This Saturday, 12th, will see the annual Teams of Ten competition held at the Te Puke Range. This should be a good test for the new upgraded range with its 18 mounds. The Auckland team to contest the match is posted on the Teams page. For all those in the team, travel safe and shoot well.

Also, coming up on the 19th is the Howick Open 2018, click for details.

5th April 2018

Last night was the first Interclub of the 2018 indoor season. We had a great turnout, the best since 2010 with nine teams. While the shooting was a little sub-par, there were a number of interesting results. Firstly, Waitakere continued as they finished last season with a win in Division One. Division Two had a first time winner with Auckland A, followed by Howick A and Howick B. It was pleasing to see Auckland SRC fielding 5 shooters to start the season, hopefully they will continue strongly for 2018. Another notable ‘first’ was five Master Grader’s completing this year, the most since 2012. It was great to see the return of James C who was the best shooter on the night and also we welcome Gavin R from Waikato to TSA.

For all the results, check our Results page.

If you missed the latest newsletter, it is here.

27th March 2018

Last night Steve O held the first Club Instructors course for 6 Waitakere shooters who will be involved in introducing new shooters into the Club and progressing on to shooting with a jacket and sling. This is a 2-hour course and will be held on-demand throughout the year for TSA shooters who want a sound basis for introducing new shooters to our sport. Please let the Secretary know if you are interested.

2018  Welcome to the New Year

I hope everyone has refined their latest resolutions to include a shooting focused resolution and new goals.

Congratulations to all the shooters who have been selected for the Commonwealth Games this year on the Gold Coast, especially our Smallbore shooters, Janet Hunt, Sally Johnston and Ryan Taylor.

For those of you who may have missed the news – the Comm Games Shooting Team

Another bit of news is that Birmingham Commonwealth Games in 2022 is thinking about dropping shooting.  There is now a petition, that I have signed, to include shooting in the Games.  Please go to this link, Please-sign-the-petition, and add your voice to the 25,000 plus already.

Finally, for January a number of our Auckland smallbore shooters will be attending the NRANZ National Championships at Trentham from 31 Jan – 3 Feb.  We wish you all good management and great shooting.

A note to our keen shooters, Teams of Ten planning is now underway. We need to form a squad in February and apply some coaching and training, prior to selections.  While it still somewhat hot, it is time to get back into your gear and start the New Year off with a bang (many of).

5th September 2017

Last night was the Final Interclub of the season. We had a good turnout with nine teams, albeit with a couple light on numbers. The overall standard of shooting was excellent with most shooters shooting well below their grade average. I’m guessing that there will be a number of grade changes this year. Full results on the Results page.

In Division One, Waitakere won last night with 873.40 closely followed by Howick on 871.40, with Waitakere winning overall for the year. In Division Two, Howick B won with 600.08 from Waitakere C with 598.16 closely followed by Waitakere A on 597.30. Our handicap system is working well when a team of D graders can beat teams of A/B Graders. For the year, Waitakere B was the winner.

For the individuals the results where more clear cut this year with no close battles for the winning spot. Our winners for the year are:

  • Mark C – Master grade with 984.55
  • Jonathan G – A grade with 975.44
  • Steve O – B grade with 973.49
  • Revel D – C grade with 960.34
  • William P – D grade with 958.35

26th August 2017

The last month of the regular season is almost upon us. Check up the updated calendar for the remaining events.

For those shooters in the Titipounamu or InterAssociation teams, remember that these need to be completed by the 30th.

23rd August 2017

Last nights Interclub hosted by Waitakere had another great turnout with nine teams competing.

We had a very tight finish in Division One with Waitakere edging out Howick by 871.38 to 870.51.

In Division Two, Waitakere B won easily with 600.20 over Waitakere A with 596.22, followed by Howick A on 595.16.

The full results are on our Results page. The individual standings are becoming clearer as the top five scores to count takes effect.

The final Interclub of the season will be at Howick on Monday 4th September.

Also, another chance for some competition shooting will be at the Waitakere Open on 2nd September.  Details here, be there !!

20th August 2017

Apologies for a belated post – the trials of work and family are first in line !!

Last weekend saw the annual Auckland vs Waikato match, held at the Howick Range.

The summary results are below and the full details re posted on our Results page.

Open Auckland 1933.88 Waikato 1945.89

A Grade Auckland 976.44 Waikato 975.42

B Grade Auckland 954.28 Waikato 953.30

Ladies Auckland 735.12 Waikato 770.32

Juniors Auckland 916.22 Waikato 970.41

Overall Shield Auckland 5514.194 Waikato 5613.234

Top Individual on the day S Petterson 200.15 (Auckland)

10th August 2017

BSA Team has been released and is posted here.  Congratulations to the team and shoot well.

3rd August 2017

Wednesday night was our fifth round of Interclub and was ably hosted by Auckland SRC. Numbers were down from last month but we still had eight teams competing. It is great to see a number of our shooters posting scores to that would see them in a higher grade. Details on our Results page.

Waitakere won Division One again and with only two more rounds to go have an uncatchable lead. Waitakere B team again won Division Two by only one point from Howick A, with Waitakere A four points behind in 3th place.

The race for individual honours is hottest in C Grade with 3 or 4 shooters vying for top spot. The two cut-out cards will make this very interesting.

This Sunday 6th August, the Howick Range will be hosting the TSNZ National Indoor Competition, starting at 1pm. It is a great chance to test yourself against everyone in NZ !!

The following Saturday, 12th August, TSA will be hosting the annual Auckland versus Waikato match at the Howick Range from 11am. The teams are posted here. Please check if you are in a team and the email for times. The BSA team that is shot in the morning will be posted shortly.

5th July 2017

Monday night was the fourth round of Interclub. We had a our best turnout (33) for an Interclub in the last 10 years (we do track the numbers !!).  The supper was equally exceptional both in quality and quantity.  Well done Howick.

The results are posted on our Results page for all to review. The summary point are Waitakere A won Division One and Waitakere C beat Howick A in Division Two.

3rd July 2017

The year motors on in high gear !!  We have  just had the Auckland Open with a moderate but improved attendance. The results are posted on our Results page, here.  Congratulations to the winners.  The summary results are:
1/ R Herbison (Tauranga) 298.23/300.30
2/ S Petterson (Howick) 297.21
3/ T Beaver (Te Puke) 292.14

1/ I Brettell (Rotorua) 294.16/300.30
2/ J Craib (Tauranga) 294.12
3/ K Snowden (Waitakere) 293.16

1/ Miss S Riddle (Tauranga) 293.07/300.30
2/ K Oxenham (Rotorua) 291.09
3/ S O’Donnell (Waitakere) 286.11

1/ J Harron (Waitakere) 285.05/300.30
2/ R Drummond (Waitakere) 282.05
3/ M Duthie (Te Puke) 281.10

1/ W Pratt (Waitakere) 288.12/300.30
2/ C Haden (Te Awamutu) 287.13
3/ L Harron (Waitakere) 281.09

S Petterson (Howick) 496.33/500.50

Hans Schramm – TSA Life Member

It is very sad to let you know that Hans Schramm passed away in late May. We were only advised a couple of days ago. Hans was a stalwart of Auckland Smallbore shooting. He was a Life member of both Waitakere and TSA and was a long-term Secretary of both organizations. Hans also was one of our top shooters and represented Auckland and New Zealand for many years. He will be missed but remembered

7th June 2017

Our third Interclub match of 2017 was held last night by Waitakere Smallbore Rifle Club.  Again we saw a great turnout with seven teams competing for Division Two honours. Waitakere A managed a win in Division One, but NONE of the scores were worthy of note.

Division Two saw much closer competition with Waitakere A winning on the night, followed by Howick A, Waitakere B and Auckland A. The best shooter of the night was John D in A Grade. All the results are on our usual Results page.

25th May 2017

Check this out.

Jonathan G managed a rare feat last night at his Auckland Club with a 100.10.  Congratulations on a superb performance. Hopefully, one of many more  to come.

15th May 2017

Well what a weekend for the Teams of Ten match in Napier.  Firstly, the Auckland team managed to battle the near torrential rain throughout the five+ hours of driving. Fortunately, we all managed it successfully and in one piece.

The shoot was held in the Napier wool stores – a very interesting and challenging venue, but the shoot was well organised and run without any problems.

The overall results show Auckland moving up two places this year to finish seventh, despite some patchy shooting.  Full results are posted on our Results page.  Many congratulations to our neighbour, Waikato No. 1 team for taking out the top prize and for Roy H shooting a remarkable 400.25

2nd May 2017

Welcome to winter. The temperatures dropped dramatically last night for our second Interclub of the season. Fortunately, that did not prove to be a deterrent as we had our best turnout since May 2011 with 27 shooters !!! We had eight teams contesting Division Two with some interesting results.

Howick A returned to their winning ways in Division One, while in Division Two, Waitakere B was the clear winner over Howick A  with Howick B in third place.

Not too many stand-out scores this month but it was great to welcome a number of new shooters to Interclub. The latest results are in the usual place, here.

For everyone participating in the Big Seven, the next match is the South Auckland Open on Saturday 6th May, hosted by Hamilton Club in Dey St.

Teams of Ten is next up, on 13th May in Napier. Congratulations to our Team members – enjoy to competition and shoot well..

Quick addition – the latest newsletter has just been sent out, check our Newsletters page for the latest.

Also, check out the latest flyers for the South Auckland Open, mentioned above and the Howick Open scheduled for the 20th May.

20th April 2017

After a weather delay, we managed to have our first 2017 Interclub last night, hosted by the Auckland club.

Waitakere showed up in force with four teams and managed to secure wins in both Division One and Two.  Unfortunately, traffic issues created problems for some of the Howick shooters so the posted results should be treated as provisional at this stage, as there may be some make-ups to add.  It was pleasing to see a good number of shooters in C Grade and good individual competition across all grades, already. Full results are here.

29th March 2017

Welcome to Target Shooting Auckland’s new shooting year, 2017. The season officially starts on Saturday 1st April with the first Interclub round only one week away on Wednesday 5th April. The match will be hosted by the Auckland Club on the Waitakere Range.

Interclub matches are for all shooters, using a jacket/sling combo. If you are not in a Club team, still come along and shoot as an individual, in your Grade. This year, the individual score will comprise the best 5 scores from the 7 shoots.

Key dates in April are:

Fri   1st               1st day for 2017 grading
Wed 5th             Interclub Round 1 @ Auckland
Sat   29th           Bay of Plenty Open (B7#1) @ Te Puke

Key links are:


TSA General Programme 2017_18 version1

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